Qatar rolls out a digital address system
Last week, more than 234,000 residents in Qatar registered their national address data within the first week of the six-month national campaign announced by the Ministry of Interior in January 2020.
Around 227,000 or more than 95% registered through the Ministry's service application "Metrash2", demonstrating the high level of penetration of e-government in Qatar and the ease of using the app.

According to the National Address Law, all residents as well as institutions and companies should register their national address data before the six-month period that will end on July 26. The aim of the national address is to facilitate services to all citizens and residents in their dealings with various governmental and non-governmental agencies, without the need for traditional paperwork.
The National Address Law is part of the strategic development of e-government, a completion of the legislative structure for government electronic transactions, and a transition from descriptive address to the digital address system. The registration can also be done through website of the Ministry of Interior or at its service centres, where a special office has been designated for the purpose.
However, residents are encouraged to apply through the "Metrash2" app to save time and effort. The data required are the address of residence, fixed telephone number, mobile number, e-mail, employer address for government and private sector employees, and permanent address abroad, if available.
The law also allows the father to register himself and his children under 18 years, but older children over the legal age and the wife must register themselves. In the case of separation of the spouses and the children are in the custody of the mother, she has to register the data of the children on her national address via electronic registration or at any of the service centres. The guardian of minor children has to register their data and bears the legal responsibility for the validity of the information.
Under Article 6 of the National Address Law, a fine not exceeding QR10,000 will be imposed on anyone who violates any of the provisions of Articles (3) and (4) of the law, or deliberately provided incorrect data about national address.
The digital address system will increase adoption of e-government and e-commerce services in Qatar and will enhance its international ranking.
sourced: Gulf Times